We got this art from Aleksandar Opacić, one of the guests at earlier festivals <3
Category: AltCom
Photos from AltCom 2018
Some photos from the festival. Sorry for keeping you witing for this post, but now it’s finally here and you can lean back and reminisce and/or long for the next one…
It has been fulfilled…
AltCom 2018 is over and we’re all going through our personal processes of recuperation.
How great was the festival? It may be hard to explain to someone who wasn’t there, but perhaps we’ll be able to put it into words when our brains are back in action again. We’ll also publish a whole bunch of pics and videos here on the site, so if you have any to share (from both AltCom & TRAUMA), please send them to us: info [at] altcomfestival [dot] se
But first, three weeks of vacation. Will be back to working as normal around mid-September…
Free entrance (except TRAUMA)
All events at AltCom are free to attend (except TRAUMA)!
You can also find the free festival anthology at all festival venues.
Workshop @ AltCom 2018: Comics Corner
The first thing happening at AltCom is a workshop at Fanzineverkstaden:
Welcome to a workshop with Ylva Oknelid!
Aug 23, between 15-18
The workshop is an open, creative corner. Come and do some jam comics, folded or accordion zines, carve some linoleum or just hang out. No need to RSVP.
We provide a relaxed and creative environment and some sweet materials
(Age limit: 18)
Facebook events
These are the AltCom-related events on Facebook:
AltCom 2018
Workshop: Comics Corner
Please help us by sharing and inviting anyone who might be interested. Thanks!
AltCom 2018 is coming!
AltCom 2018 is now confirmed, and it will take place in Malmö August 23-26.
You won’t get much more info than that at this point, but we’re planning an overhaul of the website pretty soon. Meanwhile, you can check out what happened last time, at AltCom 2016. But there will be exhibitions, market, talks and international guests as usual, as well as a special collaboration with the TRAUMA noise festival. AND…
…there will be a festival anthology again this year. If you want to get started on your comics already, the deadline will be in April or May, the format will be 140x182mm, black/white and 5 pages/person (same as usual if you’ve participated before). You won’t get paid for contributing, but on the other hand no one will pay to get the book either since it will be given away for free during and after the festival.
We will publish a proper call for submissions pretty soon, so look for it here.
And so begin the preparations…
AltCom 2018 is organised by Tusen Serier in collaboration with CBK, Koshk, Wormgod, Noise Against Fascism, Panora etc, with support from Region Skåne, Malmö Kulturstöd & Kulturrådet.
Speaking of anthologies, CBK is right now looking for comics and texts for CBA vol 40 – worst case scenario which is planned to be released in time for AltCom. Check it out!
Afterword for AltCom 2016
The AltCom experience of 2016 is over, as much as something like this is ever over, because when a festival like this is at its best, it lingers in your soul/mind/5D construct.
We actually managed to create this separate plane of existence. A space that is its own thing and when it’s over it’s like you’re going back home, even if you already live in the same city. And when I say “we”, I don’t mean me, I don’t mean the organizers or volonteers, I mean all of us who took part in it. The guests/exhibitors/musicians/visitors. The smokers and drinkers. The ones who woke up, went to the festival and stayed until they passed out or went home (sometimes when the morning sun had come out and the birds started singing, sometimes when the wine was over, sometimes when it was just the right time to go). The ones who arrived late at night, the ones who left early. This international family that’s made up of people you almost only meet in these liminal existences. These special relationships with people you meet a few times a year, in different parts of the world, that you consider to be friends even if you hardly know most of them in any deeper sense.
It started with the preparty sessions where a few of us sat down with some wine after putting up exhibitions, discussing anything from printing techniques to working conditions to drug culture to Pokémon Go to the effect the internet has on communication and on underground and zine culture. Then it all grew as the actual festival started. People meeting, inspiring each other, giving birth to new collaborations, extending invitations to future events, other worlds to visit in the future. An intersection of pasts, present and futures.

Many of us will meet again, because this part of the comics culture is borderless by nature and part of a network of recurring aquaintances, but we may never meet again in this exact same constellation of people.
And then there’s the story of the lost luggage that arrived just in time for the Saturday afterparty so we could complete the exhibition a few hours before it closed, the stolen items, the missed flight, the missing guest, like an offering to the god of Branquignole. Maybe the price to pay for everything else running more or less smoothly. Sleep was another casualty, but what are you gonna do?
So thank you to everyone who came, who let people stay in their homes, who participated, volunteered, carried tables, held talks/performances/workshops, who brought their art or simply their presence. For an AltCom festival that became something beyond the sum of its parts. Not unlike the language/artform of comics itself.
/Mattias Elftorp, 2016-08-02,
about to go into a 2 week coma
so you may not hear from me for a while.
Don´t take it personally, I love you all.
In the coming period, we will add some documentation to the site, like comics interpretations, photos, videos etc.
This is what we have to offer so far: